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Book review: The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas

The Spanish Love Deception (Spanish Love Deception, #1)The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book was a disappointment. I had to force myself to complete it after a certain point. The writing was too dragged on and repeatitive. Not engrossing enough for me and then the characters were not much endearing or relatable for me. I sometimes regret that I can't review a book as a reviewer but as someone who connects or feels stuff with the book. It did had a surprise of mention of 'around the corner cafe' from 'Marriage for One'. And a few snippets of where there was losing-control and assertive Mr. Aaron Blackford came into being, I was swooning. But mostly it was almost bearable. Not re-reading kinda stuff.

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