Words do matter.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter~ martin luther king
Words heal..
Words reassure..
Words express...

Book review: Marriage for One by Ella Maise

Marriage for OneMarriage for One by Ella Maise
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book started on not a very promising note because I wasn't able to digest the fact he asked her to marry for her property and it was kinda crude till he kept up the Charade. But the moments they shared were sweet and so well detailed and written. The concept for me was on a 3 star level but the depiction was another story. Could have been much better but yet didn't disappoint in that regard. The feelings matter was again another story, I couldn't connect to any of the characters much. Something was amiss from the start. I loved their banters, their arguments. The make up after the fight was really really good. And again I'll go back to the tender moment, one of my favourites so far. So 4 stars it is.

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