Words do matter.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter~ martin luther king
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Words reassure..
Words express...

Book review: Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score

Things We Never Got Over (Knockemout, #1)Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

My breakdown of the review as I read the book:

At 56% of book:
Call me biased but after the wonderful read and re-read of 'The love hypothesis' I have been having a hard time falling for this brutish man 'Knox' or this people pleaser damsel in distress 'Naomi'. But finally I am liking that he is doing stuff that wouldn't be called 'efforts' per se but are very considerate. Could be bare minimum but at the same time are so rare that they never exist. Yeah, so finding a few things to like about the book.

At 75% of the book I am pissed off at Knox because of this **spoiler alert** third act breakup thing. And because everyone telling Naomi that her trying to be perfect is getting toooo repetitive. Annoying and irritating. Stars are going down this time.

Okay and now at 78% I am already fed up with everyone just knowing how Knox is hiding his feelings and what not. Nope. Not working out for me now.

So done with it. Not in the mood to complete the series. The writing was too cliche for me and then the storyline was too stretched. 2.5 stars for that rowdy guy, shit personality and not so engaging storyline.

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