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Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
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Book review: On Dublin Street by Samantha Young

On Dublin Street (On Dublin Street, #1)On Dublin Street by Samantha Young
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

It’s my mistake for picking up a book with this kind of snippet. I don't know what I’m looking for, but I know I’m not looking for an Alpha-Douchebag hero like Braden. He’s arrogant, and not in a charming way but in an irritating one. Then he gives her the 'look'. What? That's all it takes, apparently.

The language of the book is sometimes "???" that kept me on edge as well. Then this guy, Braden. He completely disregards Joss' boundaries. His behavior is both annoying and abusive. How can anyone romanticize him?

In short, this book is not my cup of tea. I didn’t finish it. I stopped halfway, hoping to find a storyline somewhere. But I guess halfway is enough to decide I can’t do this. I think I'll go back to cute contemporaries for now.

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