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Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter~ martin luther king
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Words reassure..
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Book Review: It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey

It Happened One Summer (Bellinger Sisters, #1)It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book was cute. Sweet.
The parts where Brenden was involved were intense, I don't think of any other word when he was involved. I understood the part why and how Piper started falling for him, but his side was not too convincing. Just that? He hadn't seen a girl/woman in 7 years and now this beautiful out of townie made him suddenly see 'new things'. Him falling for her wasn't lead-on properly or maybe because I kept picturing Alexis from Schitts creek here, I wasn't convinced. I don't know, I feel a bit cynical here. Piper was let down by a lot of people in her life, and Brenden doing the same kinda was a turn off. He went all huff and puff after all the build up of 'I'll be there for you' 'You depend on me'.
At the same time I too would give everything I have for a person like him to forgive and go back to, I guess.
The build up for Hannah and Fox seemed cute too. I might give it a go, or maybe not.
The steamy part didn't disappoint at all. That part was GOOOOD! I personally couldn't connect with Piper because of her initial nonchalance, ambition lessness and airheaded-ness (She was!). I could connect to her feeling of being categorised as 'incompetent' by everyone and being questioned if she was capable of doing stuff at all. That part was heartbreaking, when she thought everyone cancelled upon her and she was not worth giving the chance. At that part I wanted this Rom com steamy book to turn into a feminist rant of how she will gain her confidence back and give a finger to everyone who ever doubted her. But anyway. Ending with the mixed feelings about this book.

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