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Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter~ martin luther king
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Book review: See You Yesterday by Rachel Lynn Solomon

See You YesterdaySee You Yesterday by Rachel Lynn Solomon
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I liked the writing. The concept of time loop. But it got a bit repetitive after a while? Ofcourse they were stuck in time, it was supposed to.
For a change I liked the portrayal of a curvy girl in the books. The protagonist not being petite, and slim was like breath of fresh air and I felt a sense of camaraderie with her in her body image issues.

Other than that, I felt a certain kind of disconnect with the characters as I couldn't immerse myself completely in the book. For me it's a huge part of the rating system, being un-put-down-able.
But this one was. I kept doing other stuff in between, and willingly.
So 3.5 stars? It was good. But I guess not something I'll remember for a long time and not something I'll read again.

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