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Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter~ martin luther king
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Book review: Betting on You by Lynn Painter

Betting on YouBetting on You by Lynn Painter
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I like her writing style. But the characters. I didn't like the immaturity of the male characters of Ms. Lynn painter. Like NOT the book boyfriends I'll dream of.
The indecisiveness, reckless, and thoughtlessness in the characters is a bit jarring for me which makes me cringe and scream at my kindle.
The character has much much similarities with the one in 'Better than the movies', the relationship with parent, the insecurity about the new partner of the single parent. I like those details though, the way the emotions are explored and explained.
The part where she realises about the bet was emotional one for me, when she feels all alone in the world, that too hit home like anything. I usually rate books that make me cry as 5 stars, but this one wasn't that good. The most frustrating thing about this book was the anticipation of the kiss between the characters, it was so misplaced. They were kissing without preamble, without the build up and kind of anti-climactic. Phew, a light read, good writing, great emotional explanations, but I guess I needed more for it to be in my 5 stars list.

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