Words do matter.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter~ martin luther king
Words heal..
Words reassure..
Words express...

Book review: Funny Story by Emily Henry

Funny StoryFunny Story by Emily Henry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book has torn me apart. The way Emily portrays the raw emotions hooks inside and pulls you from your intestines.
First of the first, my heart fell out of my stomach when I read the name of Protagonist Daphne Vincent. It was my pen name for some time and just felt too cruel to read it kinda tauntingly in a romance book.
The emotions that Daphne is feeling at 84% of the book. The eternal wait, being chosen the last, being a backup, all of those intricacies are told in such a thoughtful and deep manner that I had no choice but to put the book down weeping and write the heaviness I feel about. It’s heartbreaking and I hate Peter and Sadie and her Dad. I feel so deeply for her, this Daphne. She deserves to be happy. She deserves not to wait for people to show up and for some reliable people to just be in her life to stop her from questioning her worth.
The Guy is the best book boyfriend ever.
With Emily's writing I am not usually looking for the heat or smut but the way she makes the sentences so wholesome, the analogies that she draws from the depths of mundane life examples. I love what she writes, Just like Emma here says, "I can happily read her grocery list as well"

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Book review: Apprentice to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer

Apprentice to the Villain (Assistant to the Villain, #2)Apprentice to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an okayish book. The drama of the first book was good enough but it stretched too long in this one too. I wanted some closure for the Villain and his assistant but alas there's one more book and I can't read this more or wait for it to give me closure. The drama should have been shorter and made more sense. Uff. Giving up. Too many gapsing, flinching and loud emotions in the series what was interesting in the first book was eventually irritating in the second one. I don't know I wanted more. More of them, more essence and the stupid POV's of the side characters? No, thank you!

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Book review: Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer

Assistant to the Villain (Assistant to the Villain, #1)Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is cute. Clumsy girl and broody a villain. Oh yes!. Happy me!
The villain is afraid of the dark? And has throw pillows? Awwwww
The writing - refreshing and so powerful.
The intricate scenes were done so beautifully almost each page of it was powered with some buzz, drama and story moving and moving. The suspense and comedy and subtle signs of romance were so well woven. I am amazed I hadn't seen this on Instagram booktok as much as it should have been. The clumsy girl, brooding guy, TAKE MY MONEY!! The character development was amazing, the ultimate suspense unravelling of the traitor was WOAH!

Onto the next book. This book is 5 stars because it was un-put-down-able! I rather missed work and read this.

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Book review: See You Yesterday by Rachel Lynn Solomon

See You YesterdaySee You Yesterday by Rachel Lynn Solomon
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I liked the writing. The concept of time loop. But it got a bit repetitive after a while? Ofcourse they were stuck in time, it was supposed to.
For a change I liked the portrayal of a curvy girl in the books. The protagonist not being petite, and slim was like breath of fresh air and I felt a sense of camaraderie with her in her body image issues.

Other than that, I felt a certain kind of disconnect with the characters as I couldn't immerse myself completely in the book. For me it's a huge part of the rating system, being un-put-down-able.
But this one was. I kept doing other stuff in between, and willingly.
So 3.5 stars? It was good. But I guess not something I'll remember for a long time and not something I'll read again.

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Book review: Betting on You by Lynn Painter

Betting on YouBetting on You by Lynn Painter
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I like her writing style. But the characters. I didn't like the immaturity of the male characters of Ms. Lynn painter. Like NOT the book boyfriends I'll dream of.
The indecisiveness, reckless, and thoughtlessness in the characters is a bit jarring for me which makes me cringe and scream at my kindle.
The character has much much similarities with the one in 'Better than the movies', the relationship with parent, the insecurity about the new partner of the single parent. I like those details though, the way the emotions are explored and explained.
The part where she realises about the bet was emotional one for me, when she feels all alone in the world, that too hit home like anything. I usually rate books that make me cry as 5 stars, but this one wasn't that good. The most frustrating thing about this book was the anticipation of the kiss between the characters, it was so misplaced. They were kissing without preamble, without the build up and kind of anti-climactic. Phew, a light read, good writing, great emotional explanations, but I guess I needed more for it to be in my 5 stars list.

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Book review: Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton

Haunting Adeline (Cat and Mouse, #1)Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was apprehensive about starting this. I knew it was about non/dub-con. The writing wasnit gripping enough for me. But yet I soldiered on without DNFing.

Two stars because I did find the guy 'redeemable' and 'good at heart'. I know it is messed up. But what can you do, we are like that sometimes.
Few dialogues of the main guy were nice but it mostly irked me the first person talking about yourself. Both in the case of Adeline and Z. I have read a better non-con story on informal platforms. So yeah, not very impressive. In fact I skipped soooo much of the text with the Male's POV.

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Book review: Bride by Ali Hazelwood

BrideBride by Ali Hazelwood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Just started on prologue and hooked. How does Ali Hazelwood do it every time? Her characters have so much depth and the language. I thought I might now like it this time since I have been reading fantasy for some time but dude. Her language goes to the heart. The vocabulary and sentences. Hooked hooked hooked.
Ali Hazelwood is so funny. Effortlessly so. It looks effortless, I am sure It can't be. The bond between Serena and Misery is *chefs kiss*
I fell more in love with you Ali Hazelwood ❤
Misery was relatable. Lowe was admirable until the point of him being a douche and then it went kinda downhill for me. It was definitely 5 stars up till then. But then I had to let go. Even the end and bliss wasn't satisfactory once I lost the anchor in the characters.

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