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Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter~ martin luther king
Words heal..
Words reassure..
Words express...

Book review: Practice Makes Perfect by Julie James

Practice Makes PerfectPractice Makes Perfect by Julie James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"Practice Makes Perfect" by Julie James is a contemporary romance that left me thoroughly satisfied and entertained, earning a solid five-star rating. The love/hate relationship between the characters, the office romance setting, and the enemies-to-lovers dynamic were all elements that I thoroughly enjoyed.

The banter and fiery fights between Payton Kendall and J.D. Jameson were particularly memorable, adding a level of heat and tension that kept me hooked throughout the story. Their interactions were electric, showcasing a deep-seated attraction despite their outward animosity.

One aspect that stood out was the revelation of J.D. falling for Payton eight years ago. While not an overwhelmingly romantic moment, it added depth to their history and feelings, making their evolving relationship more meaningful.

However, one minor drawback for me was that the characters engage in a physical relationship before admitting their emotional connection. While this didn't detract significantly from my enjoyment of the story, it's worth noting for readers who prefer a different progression in romantic arcs.

The snippet sets the stage for a compelling narrative, highlighting the clash and eventual collaboration between two strong-willed lawyers. Their journey from adversaries to allies to lovers is filled with passion, ambition, and undeniable chemistry.

It is a captivating read for fans of office romances and enemies-to-lovers tropes, with engaging characters, steamy moments, and a satisfying romantic arc.

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