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Book Review: Flowers from the Storm by Laura Kinsale

Flowers from the StormFlowers from the Storm by Laura Kinsale
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

"Flowers from the Storm" by Laura Kinsale presents a historical romance that left me with mixed feelings. While the character of Archimedea stood out for her rationality and helpful nature, my overall experience with the book was disappointing.

The protagonist, Christian, remained consistently cynical throughout the story, leaving me wishing for a change that never came. Despite hoping for character development or a compelling plot twist, I found myself consistently dissatisfied. The storyline felt stagnant, and I often found myself wishing for either improvement or a swift conclusion.

On the sensual front, the book delivered some good moments, particularly in its sensual kisses. However, the love scenes were described as average, lacking the depth or lasting impact I had hoped for.

The snippet introduces the Duke of Jervaulx as a brilliant yet dangerous character, known for his dissolute lifestyle. The premise of a sheltered woman like Maddy Timms encountering such a figure had promise, but the execution left much to be desired.

The book had moments of sensuality and interesting character dynamics, but it ultimately fell short in delivering a compelling and satisfying narrative.

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