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Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter~ martin luther king
Words heal..
Words reassure..
Words express...

Book review: Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married by Marian Keyes

Lucy Sullivan Is Getting MarriedLucy Sullivan Is Getting Married by Marian Keyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married" by Marian Keyes is a hilarious contemporary romance that had me laughing out loud and thoroughly enjoying every page. I gave it a well-deserved five-star rating for its entertaining storyline and memorable characters.

One of the standout aspects of the book for me was the character dynamics. I couldn't stand Karen, the bitchy and selfish roommate, but I absolutely loved Charlotte. The relatable nature of Lucy, with her naivety, confusion, and string of bad luck in love, resonated with me on a personal level. I appreciated her decision to care for her father and understood the reasons behind her choices.

The sensuality in the book was warm and engaging. The buildup to the kiss between Daniel and Lucy was well-executed, and the love-making scenes were funny and enjoyable. One scene that stood out to me was when Lucy asks Daniel if he really loves her, showcasing their deepening connection and Daniel's sincere feelings.

The snippet sets the stage for a fun and engaging story, with Lucy navigating the predictions of a psychic about her impending marriage. The introduction of potential love interests like Gus, Chuck, and Jed added layers of intrigue and humour to the plot.

Overall,it is a delightful read for fans of romantic comedies, with relatable characters, witty dialogue, and heartwarming moments that make it a standout in the genre.

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