Words do matter.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter~ martin luther king
Words heal..
Words reassure..
Words express...

Book review: Bewitching by Jill Barnett

Bewitching (Regency Magic #1)Bewitching by Jill Barnett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I read this book when I was in my historical romance era, in 2012-2013. I am reviewing it because it was one of those books that felt different. Which compelled me to buy a physical copy of this book. To re-read someday, to recreate the magic sometime.
Magic is the essence of this book. An innocent witch who is figuring out her magical powers along with this new life she has ventured into.
Alec has a hard time coming to terms with her powers but eventually overcomes it with love. Yes, maybe it was too 'love conquers all' and not at all practical. But somehow the essence of this book has remained with me through the years. Just like an innocent secret.

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#28 Camouflager

Gliding softly in his dissolved attire,
Settling at foot of her bed.
His bloodless heart wrenched,
Watching her cry herself to sleep.
Admitting her hurt to be his doing,
Yet couldn't make a move to soothe her down.
Trapped in his own can of worms,
Acting on a curse he can't lift.
His loving caresses inflicted wounds.

If only he knew, if only;
A sincere word, a meaningful glance,
Was all healing potion she needed.

It was her strength to ache so hard,
Whilst numbness clouded his senses.
Weeping, bleeding, feeling agonizing pain,
Were far from his emotional range.

Buzzing silence pronounced his presence.
Puzzling odor fused in still air.
His ghostly proximity evoked her senses.
He was back yet again.
Not sure to stab or cure,
Or to kill with his silence over again?

#27 Scarred soul

It's about the wounds inflicted on your soul
Of tearing eyes and heart that bled
A world of dreams that's woven around imaginary core
Comes crashing down in reality's curl

It's about eyes that opened after a centuries sleep
Of the moments spent in thoughts so deep
Of past deeds and flashes of regret

lessons are learnt hard and wet

Choices we make, make us or break us,
paths we choose,  refine us
goals we achieve,  define us

These scars are evidence of errors
Witness of tormented anguish
Companions of bitter healing
Memoirs of 
drawled  learning.

#24 The Weird Wordsmith

He came from the mysterious town,
Disguised in human form, he moved around
Playing the violin that poured 'weird' words
And so, they called him 'The Weird Wordsmith'

Tunes he played, mesmerized the folks
Everyone swayed in his musical air
She sat in corner watched him play
Collected the 'weird' words that fell in her way
They said 'ruht', 'vole', 'nogay', 'ergert'
"Weird!" she said and moved ahead..

He went round and round giving smiles
Caught her arm when she turned to evade
His deep blue eyes took her by surprise
'Hurt', 'love', 'agony' and 'regret'
Those jumbled 'weird' words flashed ahead
Loud and clear, his eyes betrayed his pledge
For once his fake smile didn't reach his eyes
She read his story in that knot of time

Wordsmith was lonely and miserable
But his pride kept his ground stable
He needed someone alike him in his life
Who could fill his day with real smiles

He had walked a million miles 
Playing his violin, wearing the smile
In search of the one
Who would hear the silent cry

She held his hand and walked ahead
Locking their fingers, he fell in her step
They walked a mile together in easy silence
Another mile took her words to be said

Miles away he could understand her silence
Years later his tunes were heard echoing from a distance
She still collected those weird words, walking a step behind
but now reading the hidden within the written, with a real smile..