Words do matter.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter~ martin luther king
Words heal..
Words reassure..
Words express...

Book Review: Love in the Afternoon by Lisa Kleypas (The Hathaways #5)

Love in the Afternoon (The Hathaways, #5)Love in the Afternoon by Lisa Kleypas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, Beatrix Hathaway, how I've waited for your story, intrigued by your eccentric style and that mysterious "problem" of yours! Lisa Kleypas didn't disappoint in *Love in the Afternoon*. The flow was so good, like a comforting cup of tea on a rainy day—it just sated my bookish soul.

Beatrix's journey into love and self-discovery is both hilarious and heartwarming. Kleypas weaves romance and humour together like a master storyteller, making Beatrix's quirks and charms utterly irresistible.

The chemistry between Beatrix and her hero is off-the-charts, sparking with wit and genuine emotion. And let's not forget Kleypas's knack for bringing the Regency era to life—it's like stepping into a Jane Austen novel with a modern twist.

After finishing the book, I felt like I'd just had a fabulous chat with a friend—fulfilled, content, and slightly giddy. *Love in the Afternoon* is a must-read for anyone who loves historical romance served with a side of wit and charm. It's a book that'll leave you smiling and wanting more.

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Book Review: Married by Morning by Lisa Kleypas (The Hathaways #4 )

Married by Morning (The Hathaways, #4)Married by Morning by Lisa Kleypas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was again a better and more profound than the previous. One because it started in the last book, two because it has elements of mystery and surprise and a bit thriller, three because the love hate relationship was hot. And the Leo- Cat relationship has been boiling since book 2, it should have been worth reading, which it was. This book honestly did not disappoint.

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Book Review: Tempt Me at Twilight by Lisa Kleypas (The Hathaways #3)

Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways, #3)Tempt Me at Twilight by Lisa Kleypas
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A bit of let down after the first two ones, specially because there was very little of the Hathaway Family quirks. Second because the male lead was frustrating. Third because the female lead's reactions were somewhat misplaced or not very convincing.

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Book Review: Seduce Me at Sunrise by Lisa Kleypas (The Hathaways #2)

Seduce Me at Sunrise (The Hathaways, #2)Seduce Me at Sunrise by Lisa Kleypas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

EDIT: After reading the whole Hathaway series, I want to say that this was the best book of the series, but it only made sense after reading the first one. The buildup of that book satisfied the reding experience of this one. This is way better than the Bridgerton Series. 

This was better than the previous one in the series. The writing is impeccable and captivating.
This series seems promising enough to be made as a Netflix original like Bridgerton. All the characters are such individuals with their own story and struggle, promising and interesting. The male lead in this ❤️ and their sensual experiences are so well described.
The only thing that irritated me was the point when an important character is under death threat and the other guy has the audacity to divulge into his lustful thoughts in the tensed time.

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Book Review: Mine Till Midnight Lisa Kleypas (The Hathaways #1)

Mine Till Midnight (The Hathaways, #1)Mine Till Midnight by Lisa Kleypas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As a fan of historical romance, "Mine Till Midnight" by Lisa Kleypas captured my heart from the very first page. Set in 19th-century England, this novel introduces readers to the captivating world of the Hathaway family, each member bringing their own unique charm and complexity to the story.

Amelia Hathaway, the heroine of the tale, instantly became a character I admired and rooted for. Her strength, resilience, and unwavering dedication to her family made her a standout protagonist. Watching her navigate the challenges of life, from managing her siblings to grappling with her own desires, was a journey I was deeply invested in.

The romantic tension between Amelia and Cam Rohan, the darkly mysterious half-gypsy, added an extra layer of excitement to the narrative. Their chemistry sizzled on the pages, making every interaction between them electric and unforgettable.

Lisa Kleypas's writing style is enchanting, painting a vivid picture of the historical setting and bringing the characters to life with depth and emotion. The plot twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat, eager to unravel the secrets and mysteries woven throughout the story.

Overall, "Mine Till Midnight" is a delightful blend of romance, drama, and intrigue that kept me captivated until the very end. It's a book I would highly recommend to anyone looking for a compelling historical romance with well-developed characters and a swoon-worthy love story.

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Book Review: Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez

Yours Truly Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The author had me hooked on this line:

"I rolled my eyes and waited. This year was going to be my villain origin story, I just knew it."

This male protagonist, I can't help but fall for him. It's not because he fits the typical alpha male stereotype or because he's conventionally attractive. It's because he's relatable. His anxiety and vulnerability are portrayed with such nuanced detail and accuracy that it feels like I'm looking into a mirror. He overthinks the smallest details, feels uneasy around new people, finds solace in familiar songs and shows, and gets caught in loops of social anxiety. He's me - the anxious one.

What's truly heartwarming is how he opens up and exposes his innermost thoughts and feelings, sharing his journal with someone special. This is a monumental step, especially for an introvert. He invites her into his world, giving her the power to either break him or love him, depending on her choice. It all feels incredibly personal, almost like a mirror reflecting my own insecurities and fears.

The story doesn't just stop there. I found myself empathizing with Briana too, understanding her trauma from past relationships and her struggle to trust again. The emotional depth of both characters takes the reader on a rollercoaster ride of feelings - from relatable anxieties to moments of courage and vulnerability, it's a journey that hits close to home.

In conclusion, this book is an emotional rollercoaster that beautifully captures the complexities of human emotions, anxieties, and the delicate dance of trust and vulnerability in relationships. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a story that resonates on a deeply personal level.

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Book Review: It Starts with Us by Colleen Hoover

It Starts with Us It Starts with Us by Colleen Hoover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book has made me feel things I wasn't sure I was ready to feel. I want to meet Atlas Corrigan in real life.

It is so completely heart-wrenching. Like someone took my heart and twisted it in their hands, wrung out all the blood. There was an Atlas in my Life. Just like Atlas did to Lily, he made me feel things and made me soar high with all those feelings. Considerate Atlas. Considerate Him.
Alike Lily, he met me in my downtime and made my life beautiful, bearable and worth living.

The part where it is shown that Lily knows she loves Ryle, but she is still hung up on the fact why Atlas never came back for her. How it could all have been different if he had returned. If he had realised that they could have been something wonderful some other time. It again felt like a page out of my life's book. Too relatable, too scarring.
Thank you, Coleen Hoover, for putting the feeling and yearning of loving someone and losing in so many beautiful words.

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Book Review: The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams

The Cheat Sheet The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The writing in this book is absolutely delightful. The author's use of comparisons and language is not just funny but downright rib-tickling. I found myself laughing and smiling continuously as I turned the pages. The description of that kiss in the hallway was nothing short of perfect - it was sweet, cute, hot, and left me practically heaving with emotions. The protagonist's soft-hearted nature is incredibly endearing, and I couldn't help but fall in love with him.

Oh my goodness, I adored this book! It's a delightful combination of cute, hilarious, and sweet moments. Despite being rated PG13, it surprisingly managed to deliver all the oomph and excitement I could have hoped for. A round of applause to the author for creating such a charming and entertaining read.

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Book Review : Private India by James Patterson

Private India Private India by James Patterson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I had the pleasure of reading Private India by James Patterson, Ashwin Sanghi.

Thank you Blogadda for sending me this book as a part of book review program..

It was tedious 470 pages roller-coaster ride and I had my pauses in between where story seemed a bit slow. So here goes my review:

Chapter one begins with the murder of a foreign national. Private India is bidden to look into it. And before everyone knows, more bodies are found. Only females are being killed and none of them have connection with each other directly. But all of them are linked to the slayer in some way. Each victim is found the similar way, strangled with a yellow scarf and surrounded by weird religious artefacts like eggs, dolls, a bucket of water. As scary as it sounds, it is these artefacts that aid in finding the connection in the killing pattern. The entire story is set in Mumbai with abundant use of iconic places in the city. Private India goes out of their way chase the killer and end up saving the entire of Mumbai from a terror assault.

The main story is excellent. I could not guess the killer until the end. The finale was least expected and distinctive in a way of its own. Some turns looked straight out of bollywood movies. The language was a bit crude and rough. Sentences like "She had one of the best bodies he had ever had the pleasure of pleasuring" didn't sit well with me. "You bastard, what are you thinking? Why are you messing with my head?" sure is bothersome. And this occurs almost throughout the book. When the forensic expert pronounces that the bodies are all set for autopsy, the author uses the metaphor "Like a baker announcing a fresh batch of bread from his oven", was a tad bit over the edge for even roughness.

Most of the book is a descriptive, but the chapters concerning the killer are in first person. It was confusing and upsetting at the same time. At times it felt like I was reading another book all the way. Pointless angles take away the spirit of the core story, which could have been a stand out even without side plots. Involving Pakistan's ISI and Indian Mujahideen to develop a parallel plot was absurd and only made into the overflowing extra pages of the book. These side plots dampen out the actual serial killing. The intention of killings is understood and the story that follows the exposure of the killer is decent. Completely unanticipated and unique. The main plot stands out in this book, but I so wish that they had used appropriate language and diminished the side plots.

As I said earlier, book is a tedious read. It needs a lot of amends and could have easily under 250 - 300 pages, had it not been those unnecessary fillers. But at the end of the day, this one sure is an enjoyable book.

My rating : 3.5 out of 5

This review is a part of the biggest Book Review Program for Indian Bloggers. Participate now to get free books!

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Book Review: God is a Gamer by Ravi Subramanian

God is a Gamer God is a Gamer by Ravi Subramanian
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I had the pleasure of reading God is a Gamer by Ravi Subramanian. 

Thank you Blogadda for sending me this book as a part of book review program..

The cover graphically asks a question “Is Revenge a Crime?” Once you start reading the book, you discover only crimes but no revenge. So is it deceiving?
Nope, hold your fire till you reach the end of the book. It fires up slow with seemingly unconnected events happening in distinct parts of the world. Every chapter adds layers to narrative, slowly building up the tension and the mystery. Initially the plot takes time to build up but during the second half the book you can’t put it down even if you want to. And when you think it’s the end, wait for the last page. It will twist everything once more! For a person like me with no knowledge of finance it took time to be understood in the starting, in grasping the technical terms related to banking; else it’s a smooth read moving through the ups and downs of the corporate world.

Individuals and their private lives aren’t much communicated for the reader to connect to any person but portrayal is enough for the story to move quickly leaving the details to reader’s imagination.

Books seems to be a well-researched; relating to a few real life happenings too. It introduces the reader to fairly new concept of bitcoins. All the essential information is nicely incorporated through the discussions so the reader doesn’t feels confused or runs a Google search for each new term that comes up (though I still did to have a better understanding on the go).

It doesn’t create a world of its own but holding the reader in reality, it demonstrates what all happens in the world not-so-known. It perfectly blends up various colours of the corporate world. Casual revelations about the personal lives of the characters amazes the reader. It covers everything- love, lies, murders, cons, dishonour, schemes, corruptions, theft and VENGEANCE! The book is, hence, a seamless blend of fact and fiction.

In a single line I would say: A brilliant read after a long time. A page turner.

My rating : 4.5 out of 5

This review is a part of the biggest Book Review Program for Indian Bloggers. Participate now to get free books!

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