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Book review: Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

Fourth Wing (The Empyrean, #1)Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was LOOOOONNGGGG. I mean I usually read a 7-9 hours long book in a day and a half but this one took me a week full of evenings. It was 22 hours long on my Kindle. Like WOW.

I was into it as soon as the angle of the reluctant journey came into being. I kinda had my apprehensions about a certain 'best friend' from the start. He was annoying and interfering. The best relationship in the whole of the book was between Tairn and Violet. I love love love Tairn. And Andarna. She is such a pure soul. Like our Violence. The book was a perfect blend of action, thriller and slow budding romance. All along the book I HATED Jake Barlowe like I hate Umbridge. He is a sadistic, unhinged AH.
The cliffhanger had me start the second book right away.
This book is something that warrants a re-read for all the bits and pieces one overlooks but are important later on in the story. It's a well-written and well-woven world. Rebecca Yarros, take a bow.

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