Words do matter.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter~ martin luther king
Words heal..
Words reassure..
Words express...

Book review: After the Night by Linda Howard

After the NightAfter the Night by Linda Howard
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read it in 2013 I think.
This book has been in my top favourite books for a long time now. The character Faith stayed with me. Her struggles, her integrity as the truth seeker.
Gray stayed in my head for his stubbornness.
Linda Howard was my go- to author for some time. I read so many for her books because of the suspenseful thrill of the books and in this book as well that part was very well catered to. Had to review it after all those years.

View all my reviews

#24 The Weird Wordsmith

He came from the mysterious town,
Disguised in human form, he moved around
Playing the violin that poured 'weird' words
And so, they called him 'The Weird Wordsmith'

Tunes he played, mesmerized the folks
Everyone swayed in his musical air
She sat in corner watched him play
Collected the 'weird' words that fell in her way
They said 'ruht', 'vole', 'nogay', 'ergert'
"Weird!" she said and moved ahead..

He went round and round giving smiles
Caught her arm when she turned to evade
His deep blue eyes took her by surprise
'Hurt', 'love', 'agony' and 'regret'
Those jumbled 'weird' words flashed ahead
Loud and clear, his eyes betrayed his pledge
For once his fake smile didn't reach his eyes
She read his story in that knot of time

Wordsmith was lonely and miserable
But his pride kept his ground stable
He needed someone alike him in his life
Who could fill his day with real smiles

He had walked a million miles 
Playing his violin, wearing the smile
In search of the one
Who would hear the silent cry

She held his hand and walked ahead
Locking their fingers, he fell in her step
They walked a mile together in easy silence
Another mile took her words to be said

Miles away he could understand her silence
Years later his tunes were heard echoing from a distance
She still collected those weird words, walking a step behind
but now reading the hidden within the written, with a real smile..

The 'romantic' car

This one is sketched by my 10 years old Brother :)
“You know what you are a psycho... and crazy and idiot and... whatever. You understand what I mean?” Anamika stood there screaming her lungs out on me as I lay on bed unperturbed, ever so cool. Yeah I understand what she ‘means’. “I don’t understand you sometimes. One moment you are this sad like you will just run till the lake bare foot and jump! ... and sometimes- alike now, you behave so stupid, like those dreamy eyed, senseless people who know nothing except that mushy, cheesy fairytale romances!” she continued.

“Would you like to have hot chocolate?” I asked. “Wait let me first put on some music” since you’re going to continue lecture for quite sometime now.

“You think it’s a joke right? This all stupidity is normal for you.” Anamika was red- with anger, frustration, if only she knew how much I was enjoying right now, I would have been dead by now, to say the least.

“So rock or blues? I guess blues are better, since that’s what you always are- blue.” I winked and regretted doing that the very next moment as her forehead clouded with some more wrinkles and she gave me that trade-mark warning sign by narrowing her eyes on me. I guess play time is over. Sigh. “OK!” I stepped ahead and made her sit on bed with me. “Now just spit out whatever is irritating you”

“It’s you dim wit-dumb-thick-fool!” Another scream and I am sure my ears will give away.

“OK! And what else I did apart from ruining your sleep at 3 am half a dozen times or taking your name at home while I was away with him or… hey I never even curse your Arjun and I even convinced your mom for taking you out for hills ride. What did I do wrong then?” I refrained from telling her that I still love her no matter how ugly her hair had become after that intense chemical treatment… Rebonding? Whatever! I actually loved those wavy curls.

“Oh yeah? You took MY name while you were roaming with that MORON and don’t even remind me of the early morning or midnight calls you do when you have those Blue-attacks, you talk insane, you behave insane moreover you make me insane along with you!”  And I hereby declare that my ears will never work properly after so much of harassment by a highly insane creature. “And you do curse Arjun when I tell you that he hadn’t called me since a week!”

“See, I do care for you! How dare that guy even think of living without calling his girlfriend for a week! How can I not hate the person who hurts my best friend?”

“But he could be busy.”

“Duh! Being busy is nothing. It’s all about priorities”

“Maybe I am not needed anymore.” She sighed. So did I. I know we were behaving like 12 year oldies at 19, shame? Na, it’s only her with whom I can behave like that. “Ok, let's be serious now. How are you now?” I hate these ‘serious’ talks.

“Feeling tired after the verbal fight with you” did I say that to earn a smack on my arm, probably. “Ok! I am perfectly fine, actually the best I ever felt no actually I feel high without even any booze.” She narrowed her eyes on me- so that the last warning to my insanity or I might be awarded with something lethal than that smack. “You know what. I have thought a lot. And after all that I convinced myself that buying a car is better than walking in relationship.”

“And now I am convinced that you have finally lost the remaining wits that I thought were present.” she got up to leave, highly frustrated and… dangerous.

“Ok, hear me out and then you may leave. I am serious.” She showed her trade-mark frown and sat back again. “Great! Now you see, my car never denies taking me out when I fell like going somewhere, unless I am not showering enough love (fuel) on it. It sings my favorite music to me all the time to woo me. Wherever I be, it is always waiting outside ‘for me’ no matter if its hot summers or freezing winters, romantic isn’t it?” here came the another series of eye-daggers. I still went on ignoring her weird stares “It's faithful, romantic, comfortable to be with and most of all it won’t leave me at any point unless I want to let it go.”

“You are crazy! Take care, good bye” with that she moved towards door again.

“And by the way they do make me sigh with appealing looks too. Hotter than even Leonardo DiCaprio? Nah, maybe not but still...”


“I know”

“Good bye”

I slumped back on bed yet again pulling out yet another chocolate from the chocolate box lying next to me. Chocolates are well known aphrodisiacs, ain’t it? 

From somewhere far I heard ‘verve’ screeching out what I wanted to scream aloud too.

I was blind - didn't see
What was here in me
I was lost - insecure
Felt like the road was way too long, yeah
Cause love is noise and love is pain
Love is these blues that we're feeling again
Love is noise and love is pain
Love is these blues that I'm singing again, again, again...

#11 The 'touch' it was

Though ‘twas smooth,
Yet sparks flew.
Soft and gentle,
Yet passion intact.

Calmness of sea,
Warmth of the sun.

Silence spoke volumes,
Yet no songs heard.
Budding new feelings,
Deep seated emotions.

The touch 'twas
something new, something rare..

Image courtesy: Google