Words do matter.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter~ martin luther king
Words heal..
Words reassure..
Words express...

To a certain Anonymous sender of books.

I have been away from here. And been very much uninterested in carrying on the habit of pouring out things going inside my head, in words.
But recently I went back and read a few things on my blog and most importantly the comments. Some comments that I read for the first time in 2 years.

First of all, for the back story, in 2015 I used to receive some books by an anonymous sender at my home, from Amazon. It was confusing.

Since sometimes authors on Goodreads keep sending ARC books for review to bloggers, I initially thought they were a part of that giveaway. But later, when I confirmed it on Goodreads, they weren't from them.
I even contacted Amazon to know about the sender's details, but it too was a dead end.
And after 2-3 of them, books stopped coming. And, so I stopped thinking about it too.

And today after 2 years. I read these comments on two old-forgotten posts of mine.

First comment was on the post The Silent Killer and the second one on A book review.

I have never done this before but I am guilty of being utterly curious here. So, If the person who posted these comments and/or sent me those books is reading this. Please let me know.

My personal email ID is deepika.vasudeva@gmail.com
Or you can ping me on my phone. You already have my phone number (I know, since I used to receive text messages from amazon before every delivery)

It's been 2 years. I would understand if you wouldn't want me to know your identity now. But I plead you to. Closures are important. I don't want to die in suspense. Please :)


P.S.- Those books are nice. Thank you. 

#36 Beautiful Imperfections

Perfection doesn't attract me...

Scars, Broken pottery 
Dimmer star next to the brightest one in sky
Clumsiness, broken stones
Asymmetrical shells... 

There's an untold story everywhere 
I am attracted to the untold, unknown. 

#35 Falling out of love

Falling out of love
It's wonderful.
Much like falling in love.
But with yourself.

#34 Fool me twice

Oh so here, it starts again
with you dancing back in my life
Why can't you give it up! Stupid stubborn stain
so it's the same cycle on the roll..

It's been 2 years and a month
Having been through heartbreak,
self hatred, destruction and redemption
I am sorry if I can't do it again..

I stand by what they say 
"Fool me once shame on you
Fool me twice shame on me"
So honey, I am drained and can't do it again..

I am done feeling and dealing
with you and your mood-swings
Now that you are past my tolerance limit
It's time for you to go baby :)

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.